Brianna was found on the expressway and delivered to Adriana, an amateur cat rescuer. He was referred to me as a foster for Saving Sage Animal Rescue.
Brianna weighed 10 oz when I took her immediately to Saving Sage, where she was examined and put into their rescue system. I estimate Brianna to be 1 1/2 to 2 weeks old and she is eating well and seems to be adjusting well to her schedule.
Humorous Note: We assumed Brianna was a male, since most orange tabbies are male. We did not even sex her at the first exam. However, I began to suspect the mis-categorization when during stimulation I did not feel, let's say, a certain male body organ. I sent images of the backend to several experienced people and they all voted male. So, I took the kitten into Saving Sage and again the consensus was male. I insisted the VET look and sure enough, it was a SHE!
So, I had to change the name from BEN to Brianna!
Brianna became sick on March 14, so I took her to Saving Sage for evaluation. I was given meds and have been diligently monitoring her. Prayers needed!
Brianna recovered fine, however, it was clear she needed a companion. Another bottle feeder had a single baby the same age, and Brianna went to her. They are very happy together. Please see Brianna's Movies.