
Robert is an accomplished Artist specializing in portraits, paintings, web graphics, and high-end design. He specializes in providing custom artwork. Explore what Robert has been up to and how he can bring success to your project. His work hangs in homes and galleries throughout the World. Many gallery owners and customers call on Robert for Commissions and Events on a regular basis.

"I use pencil and paint to express myself through my art. I've always been involved in some form of creativity." Robert has developed a very extensive inventory of Portraits, and chances are, he has done something similar to your project and can help you to develop clearer and better requirements for your idea.

His long list of clients have been built from word of mouth, and each client is treated with respect, dignity, individual care and attention to detail.

Robert is available to draw Quick Sketch Portraits at your next Event! His Realistic Glamour Portraits will not show wrinkles, blemishes, or flaws; no double chins, instead he brings out your elegant features. Everyone comes out looking very attractive, instead of those stupid caricatures that make you look goofy. I make people look GOOD! Perfect likeness everytime! Makes a great gift.