Now that I am grown, I am starting to shed. Daddy's
allergies don't bother him too much and he says
I am worth it!

Click image to see my "Basket Pictures"

I sometimes watch TV!
I've been known to stop and watch Jeb Bush.

This page will change as
Mommy & Daddy get more
pictures of me!

Check for updates!

Mom! Put me down!!!

I like to lay in my carrier.

See Pooks and the President!
Bush Swears
by Pooks
Bush Kisses Pussy

These are my friends..they come to visit every day!

Click to see me play with the fish!

I like to sleep with my head on the Pillow. 7/02

Mom's new comforter for the office. (See my toy basket in the lower right) 7/02

In December, 2005, I had a lot of mats in my fur, so the vet said I had to be shaved!

This is called "Lion Cut"

Mom bought me a mouse for my 8th birthday!
I was not really impressed--I just watched as he escaped.
It took Mom 3 days to capture Mark. We decided to let him go free outside.

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